How to become SIGMA echo partner

Becoming a SIGMA ECO Partner - The Online Registration Process

Becoming a SIGMA ECO Partner is a strategic opportunity for businesses to join forces with a leader in Digital Transformation and Services. The process is designed to ensure that partners align with SIGMA's values, quality standards, and commitment to excellence. One of the initial steps in the journey towards becoming a SIGMA ECO Partner involves the online registration process. Here's a brief overview:

Visit the SIGMA website, navigate to partner menu and select “Registration.”
Access the Registration Form
Locate the registration form. This form serves as the gateway to initiate your journey towards becoming a SIGMA ECO Partner.
Provide Essential Information
Fill out the required fields in the registration form. This information typically includes contact details, company background, and a brief overview of your business operations.
Select Your Tier
Indicate your preferred partner tier during the registration process. SIGMA offers multiple tiers tailored to various partner capabilities and market reach.
Agree to Terms
Carefully review and acknowledge the terms and conditions associated with the ECO Partner Program. By agreeing to these terms, you demonstrate your commitment to collaboration and alignment with SIGMA's values.
Submit the Form
Once all required fields are completed and reviewed, submit the registration form electronically through the portal.
The online registration process serves as the initial point of contact between potential partners and SIGMA. This step allows SIGMA to gather essential information about your business, assess your preferred tier, and initiate the journey towards collaboration. By providing accurate and detailed information during online registration, you pave the way for a streamlined evaluation process that determines the most suitable tier and partnership level for your capabilities and market accessibility.