Finance & Banking


Banque Du Caire


Banque du Caire, one of Egypt's largest banking institutions, sought a managed security operation service, and they entrusted IBM and SIGMA with this crucial responsibility. SIGMA promptly supplied the necessary skilled security resources with multi-level support and operation methodology and discipline to establish a fully managed Security Operations Center (SOC) for the bank.

In today's fast-paced world of digital and online banking, the demand for robust security measures has never been more essential. Banque Du Caire understands the paramount importance of IT security. By choosing to have it as a managed service, the bank can now concentrate its efforts on tackling critical security challenges head-on.

The decision to entrust this crucial task to SIGMA speaks volumes about their expertise in providing top-notch managed services. SIGMA's ability to swiftly deliver the necessary skilled resources played a pivotal role in making this engagement a resounding success. This partnership underscores the bank's commitment to safeguarding its clients' financial well-being in an increasingly digital landscape.


National Commercial Bank – Saudi Arabia


Project Technology Partner

National Commercial Bank (NCB) initiated a substantial expansion of their IT infrastructure, with a strong reliance on Cisco routing and switching solutions. To bring this project to fruition, Cisco entrusted SIGMA with the entire implementation process. SIGMA's renowned track record for implementation quality and its adeptness in comprehending Cisco's design documentations played a pivotal role in ensuring the successful execution of this project. This collaboration underscores the crucial role SIGMA plays in delivering complex technology projects effectively.

SIGMA meticulously executed all project activities in accordance with its established implementation project management practices, closely following the provided Cisco documentations. The comprehensive project involved several key steps, including equipment staging at SIGMA's staging site, configuration of all switches and routers as outlined in the provided Cisco network implementation plan.

Subsequently, SIGMA expertly implemented the staged equipment at the actual NCB site and rigorously executed all test scenarios as specified in the "Network Ready for Use" document provided by Cisco. SIGMA played a pivotal role in guaranteeing the highest quality implementation of the solution, ensuring that NCB's expanded IT infrastructure would perform optimally and reliably. This demonstrates SIGMA's commitment to excellence in project execution and technology implementation.